Wednesday, April 13, 2011

so I'm on break, and...

I'm now on break until May - woah nelly. kind of a big deal. I did it, I finished trimester numero dos, I am free... I survived first year practicum, marriage and family class, and history and therapeutic perspectives. woosh!

there've been many endings for me over the past month or so.. ending with my practicum group, ending with my triad composed of 2 other lovely individuals, ending with my facilitator, etc. and overall, I feel that I actually mostly 'showed up' for these endings, offering myself and my heart in the midst of them instead of running away or freaking out about them. kind of a big deal actually.

but now, I find myself already anxious about this 2.5 week break that I have. what will I do? what should I do? how do I balance fun with things I really need to do with rest with work... eeeek. slow down, Cori, and breathe. rrrrrrreeeeeeeesssssssstttttttttt, even in the midst of chaos. oh how I wish I could learn that quickly and easily.

one thing, however, that I decided yesterday would be 1) restful for me and 2) good for me is to have at least one tangible thing that I do each day to pay attention to and care for myself.

yesterday, I took a super delightful nap after being done with all of my finals. :-)

tonight, I went out to celebrate my classmate and friend Leanna's 30th birthday, and suggested when we were done at the bar that we were at that we go basically next door to matador to get their amazing $5 happy hour nachos. oh, and we did. deeeeeeeeeeeeelish.

tomorrow, I.......

1 comment:

  1. get a haircut? a pedicure? go on a walk? read a book for fun (vs for class)? call a friend you haven't talked to in awhile? ... I'll keep trying to come up with ideas for you. :) Hope you have a marvelous day! xoxo
